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Brave [American Dog]by Shotz, Jennifer Li 

Publisher Edition - Large Print Hardcover(Thorndike Press, 2021)

BTSB #: 814537 Available

Dewey: FAges: 8-12   
AR: 4.8 MG RC: 4.5 3-5

Genres: Animals Adventure Fiction

Subjects: Dogs - Fiction Friendship - Fiction Family life - Texas - Fiction Large print books San Antonio (Tex.) - Fiction

Summary: When twelve-year-old Dylan rescues Brave, he knows it will take hard work, patience, and training to convince his parents that he can keep the skittish stray dog. Large print hardcover format.

23.24 *

Brave [American Dog]by Shotz, Jennifer Li 

Paperback(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2020)

BTSB #: 814540 Available

Dewey: FAges: 8-12   
AR: 4.8 MG RC: 4.5 3-5 Lexile: 740

Subjects: Dogs - Fiction Friendship - Fiction Family life - Texas - Fiction San Antonio (Tex.) - Fiction

Summary: When twelve-year-old Dylan rescues Brave, he knows it will take hard work, patience, and training to convince his parents that he can keep the skittish stray dog.

6.55 *

Chestnut [American Dog]by Shotz, Jennifer Li 

Paperback(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2020)

BTSB #: 814546 Available

Dewey: FAges: 8-12   
AR: 5.3 MG

Genres: Animals Holidays Family Life

Subjects: Dogs - Fiction Christmas - Fiction Tree farms - Fiction Family life - Fiction North Carolina - Fiction

Summary: A heartwarming, middle grade adventure story about a rescue dog, Chestnut, who befriends a girl trying to save her family's Christmas tree farm in North Carolina.

6.55 *

Poppy [American Dog]by Shotz, Jennifer Li 

Paperback(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2020)

BTSB #: 814547 Temp OS

Dewey: FAges: 8-12   
AR: 5.1 MG Lexile: 770

Genres: Animals Adventure Fiction

Subjects: Moving - Fiction Birthmarks - Fiction Pit bull terriers - Fiction Dogs - Fiction Friendship - Fiction Family life - California - Fiction Southern California - Fiction

Summary: With the help of a very special pit bull puppy, twelve-year-old Hannah adjusts to moving from Michigan to California and makes friends, despite the birthmark that makes her self-conscious.

6.55 *

Poppy [American Dog]by Shotz, Jennifer Li 

Publisher Edition - Large Print Hardcover(Thorndike Press, 2021)

BTSB #: 814549 Temp OS

Dewey: FAges: 8-12   
AR: 5.1 MG RC: 4.7 3-5

Genres: Animals Adventure Fiction

Subjects: Moving - Fiction Birthmarks - Fiction Pit bull terriers - Fiction Dogs - Fiction Family life - California - Fiction Large print books Southern California - Fiction

Summary: With the help of a very special pit bull puppy, twelve-year-old Hannah adjusts to moving from Michigan to California and makes friends, despite the birthmark that makes her self-conscious. Large print hardcover format.

23.24 *

Star [American Dog]by Shotz, Jennifer Li 

Paperback(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2020)

BTSB #: 814552 Available

Dewey: FAges: 8-12   
AR: 5.2 MG

Genres: Animals Adventure Fiction

Subjects: Dogs - Fiction Adventure fiction Buried treasure - Fiction

Summary: A middle grade adventure story about a rescue dog, Star, who befriends a shy boy as they hunt for lost treasure near Lake Michigan.

6.55 *

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