AASL seeks school librarians for task force
AASL seeks school librarians for standards and guidelines implementation task force
CHICAGO — The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) is seeking school librarians to serve on an implementation task force for a new iteration of the association’s learning standards and program guidelines slated to launch in the fall of 2017. The task force will be responsible for developing a plan to support states, school systems and individual schools preparing to implement the new publication. More information can be found at www.ala.org/aasl/rfp.
The development of a new implementation plan to support the revision of AASL’s learning standards and program guidelines is a critically important project to both the association and the profession. The plan developed will reflect the association’s strategic goals and propose new ventures that take advantage of the current climate in education and society. Objectives should address, but are not limited to, professional development (virtual and face-to-face), marketing communications, branding and advocacy initiatives.